We treat cluster flies in the spring and fall. Once you have a couple of fall services, cluster flies are usually a less significant problem in spring. Call or email for a free estimate.
Pollenia rudis
- Adult, 1/3 inch long (slightly larger than the house fly)
- Larva, 7 to 10 mm long
- non-metallic, dark gray
- no stripes on the thorax
- golden hairs
- dark gray abdomen with lighter patches
- wings overlap at tips when resting
- longitudinal wein in wing has sharp bend
- buckwheat honey smell when crushed
Life Cycle
- metamorphosis complete
- eggs are laid in the soil under leaves
- eggs hatch in one week on earth worms
- larva bores into a worm and develops inside the worm's body
- larval stage lasts from 13 to 22 days
- pupal stage lasts from 11 to 14 days
- life cycle is 27 to 39 days
- can be 4 generations during the summer
- hibernates in clusters in buildings, usually in attics or little used rooms
- do no damage but are a great nuisance