The iconic monarch butterfly is in trouble -- they're disappearing. Every backyard can become an oasis for monarchs and other pollinators—even in cities. Schools, youth and community groups, businesses, and provincial, state and local governments can engage in planting native milkweed in North America and protecting monarch habitat along roadsides, rights of way, and other public and private lands.
Help build their population again. Visit the following links to discover how you can make a difference for the monarchs while attracting other beautiful butterflies, moths and even hummingbirds to your garden as well:
- David Suzuki Homegrown Project
- Save Our Monarchs
- Nature Conservancy Canada
- David Suzuki: What You Can Do to save the Monarch
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
- More Butterfly Photos
- A Guide to Butterfly Gardens
- How to Create a Butterfly and Hummingbird Garden-Part One
- How to Create a Butterfly and Hummingbird Garden-Part Two